Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
10-introduction CC-BY-4.0 79% 195 3,628 25,823 185 28 0 10
20_organisation CC-BY-4.0 78% 112 2,934 19,518 111 2 0 2
30_innersource CC-BY-4.0 76% 237 2,916 26,979 213 51 0 4
40_methodology CC-BY-4.0 70% 298 6,995 47,550 292 7 1 11
51_0_usage CC-BY-4.0 71% 4 12 84 4 0 0 1
51_activity_17 CC-BY-4.0 71% 233 3,079 22,459 230 11 0 3
51_activity_18 CC-BY-4.0 71% 189 2,188 16,042 186 4 2 5
51_activity_19 CC-BY-4.0 72% 160 2,335 16,008 158 3 1 1
51_activity_20 CC-BY-4.0 71% 106 1,541 12,302 102 2 3 4
51_activity_42 CC-BY-4.0 72% 152 2,239 16,232 151 2 0 1
52_0_trust CC-BY-4.0 71% 4 12 84 4 0 0 0
52_activity_21 CC-BY-4.0 71% 212 3,293 23,817 210 10 0 0
52_activity_22 CC-BY-4.0 70% 193 3,264 27,782 183 26 1 7
52_activity_23 CC-BY-4.0 71% 181 2,633 21,853 174 6 5 6
52_activity_24 CC-BY-4.0 71% 198 2,744 20,379 194 3 2 5
52_activity_44 CC-BY-4.0 71% 114 1,817 13,305 111 3 2 3
53_0_culture CC-BY-4.0 71% 4 12 92 4 0 0 0
53_activity_25 CC-BY-4.0 70% 206 2,309 19,393 194 12 6 5
53_activity_26 CC-BY-4.0 71% 162 2,655 20,381 154 11 2 2
53_activity_27 CC-BY-4.0 70% 126 2,245 17,733 119 7 3 3
53_activity_28 CC-BY-4.0 72% 171 4,017 27,191 170 4 1 0
53_activity_39 CC-BY-4.0 67% 128 1,736 13,455 128 1 1 1
54_0_engagement CC-BY-4.0 71% 4 12 104 4 0 0 0
54_activity_29 CC-BY-4.0 71% 146 2,176 16,873 142 10 1 2
54_activity_30 CC-BY-4.0 72% 125 1,235 9,167 123 4 0 0
54_activity_31 CC-BY-4.0 72% 80 990 6,852 79 3 0 0
54_activity_33 CC-BY-4.0 72% 111 1,117 8,336 111 1 0 2
54_activity_43 CC-BY-4.0 71% 111 2,040 15,762 107 4 1 4
55_0_strategy CC-BY-4.0 71% 4 12 96 4 0 0 0
55_activity_16 CC-BY-4.0 71% 149 2,300 17,119 143 10 1 4
55_activity_34 CC-BY-4.0 71% 173 2,628 17,909 172 3 0 3
55_activity_35 CC-BY-4.0 71% 123 2,011 15,978 119 7 0 0
55_activity_36 CC-BY-4.0 71% 117 2,421 18,586 111 9 6 6
55_activity_37 CC-BY-4.0 71% 178 2,968 21,703 175 6 3 4
60_conclusion CC-BY-4.0 70% 39 1,247 8,041 36 3 0 0
activities_metadata CC-BY-4.0 71% 132 492 3,440 132 0 0 0
cover CC-BY-4.0 78% 12 48 330 12 1 0 1
customizations CC-BY-4.0 69% 17 167 1,362 16 1 1 2
maslow CC-BY-4.0 71% 68 316 2,452 68 1 0 2
Scorecard template CC-BY-4.0 78% 237 696 4,818 237 10 0 2
Glossary ospo-zone-ggi CC-BY-4.0 97% 8 11 106 8 0 0 0


Project website
Instructions for translators

Release 1.2 on GGI at the OSPO Alliance Your translations help to translate a handbook into other languages to make it easier to implement what is described in there. In case you have issues with or questions for a string, please use the comment function for the respective string. If you have general questions or are interested to contribute beyond the translations, send us an [](

Project maintainers User avatar ssantosUser avatar BorisBaldassariUser avatar nico.toussaintUser avatar gibello
7 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 19,395 275,192 2,027,534
Source 1,463 19,922 146,810
Translated 73% 14,176 71% 197,701 71% 1,450,038
Needs editing 1% 143 1% 2,854 1% 27,988
Read-only 7% 1,414 7% 19,796 7% 145,928
Failing checks 1% 266 1% 3,705 1% 37,165
Strings with suggestions 1% 43 1% 578 1% 6,391
Untranslated strings 26% 5,076 27% 74,637 27% 549,508

Quick numbers

275 k
Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

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Hosted strings
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New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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Repository rebased

Original revision: 5ae94a53ec22e34cd40a3fee76b994aa4d2919ce
New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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Repository rebased

Original revision: 5ae94a53ec22e34cd40a3fee76b994aa4d2919ce
New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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Repository rebased

Original revision: 5ae94a53ec22e34cd40a3fee76b994aa4d2919ce
New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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Repository rebased

Repository rebased

Original revision: 5ae94a53ec22e34cd40a3fee76b994aa4d2919ce
New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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Repository rebased

Repository rebased

Original revision: 5ae94a53ec22e34cd40a3fee76b994aa4d2919ce
New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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Repository rebased

Repository rebased

Original revision: 5ae94a53ec22e34cd40a3fee76b994aa4d2919ce
New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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Repository rebased

Repository rebased

Original revision: 5ae94a53ec22e34cd40a3fee76b994aa4d2919ce
New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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Repository rebased

Repository rebased

Original revision: 5ae94a53ec22e34cd40a3fee76b994aa4d2919ce
New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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Repository rebased

Repository rebased

Original revision: 5ae94a53ec22e34cd40a3fee76b994aa4d2919ce
New revision: feb7487cbcf97c08379b86fe385ff3453e7ddcd7 yesterday
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User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

The strings from the newest release V1.2 of the OSPO Alliance's Good Governance Initiative handbook were uploaded to Weblate Some are just updated strings to be reviewed (like typos or changed wording) and some are completely new (like the chapter InnerSource or the activities'’ relationships. Please do what you can to increase the value through translated PDFs by contributing on Weblate. See the English original on GGI at the OSPO Alliance.

a year ago
User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

Please translate taking Markdown syntax into account. E.g. for a hyperlink [TEXT](URL), translate only TEXT.

2 years ago
User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

Please translate taking Markdown syntax into account. E.g. for a hyperlink [TEXT](URL), translate only TEXT.

2 years ago
User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

Please translate taking Markdown syntax into account. E.g. for a hyperlink [TEXT](URL), translate only TEXT.

2 years ago
User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

Please translate taking Markdown syntax into account. E.g. for a hyperlink [TEXT](URL), translate only TEXT.

2 years ago
User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

Please translate taking Markdown syntax into account. E.g. for a hyperlink [TEXT](URL), translate only TEXT.

2 years ago
User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

Please translate taking Markdown syntax into account. E.g. for a hyperlink [TEXT](URL), translate only TEXT.

2 years ago
User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

Please translate taking Markdown syntax into account. E.g. for a hyperlink [TEXT](URL), translate only TEXT.

2 years ago
User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

Please translate taking Markdown syntax into account. E.g. for a hyperlink [TEXT](URL), translate only TEXT.

2 years ago
User avatar ssantos

Announcement posted

Please translate taking Markdown syntax into account. E.g. for a hyperlink [TEXT](URL), translate only TEXT.

2 years ago
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