Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Authentication (turris-auth) GPL-3.0-or-later 76% 28 93 570 27 16 0 0
Diagnostics GPL-3.0-or-later 47% 313 2,012 13,001 290 2 28 0
Diagnostics Snapshots Web GPL-3.0-or-later 63% 89 500 3,124 42 12 0 1
Diagnostics Web GPL-3.0-or-later 64% 47 393 2,416 23 11 0 0
Foris JS GPL-3.0-or-later 35% 1,228 8,172 46,761 1,168 69 48 2
Healthcheck GPL-3.0-or-later 58% 212 2,641 16,206 189 0 1 0
Healthcheck Setup GPL-3.0-or-later 80% 14 149 1,006 8 0 1 1
Healthcheck System GPL-3.0-or-later 62% 329 5,575 32,851 302 11 0 5
pkglists GPL-3.0-or-later 38% 1,318 9,993 65,839 1,264 56 97 0
reForis GPL-3.0-or-later 45% 7,159 64,434 400,612 6,606 271 433 5
reForis: Diagnostics Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 48% 215 819 5,389 213 5 21 0
reForis: GSM Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 29% 565 1,888 11,771 561 15 0 0
reForis: HaaS Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 42% 133 1,769 10,012 128 5 8 1
reForis: LibreSpeed Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 34% 274 1,131 7,325 263 21 0 0
reForis: Netboot Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 54% 161 563 3,694 159 0 16 0
reForis: Nextcloud Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 32% 255 1,926 12,608 250 20 0 0
reForis: OpenVPN Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 40% 1,201 9,556 59,350 1,092 86 55 0
reForis: Remote Access Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 40% 629 5,446 33,689 606 21 36 0
reForis: Remote Devices Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 45% 410 1,964 11,299 388 5 42 1
reForis: Remote Wi-Fi Settings Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 50% 91 511 2,989 91 3 5 0
reForis: Sentinel Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 35% 585 5,247 33,577 562 22 0 0
reForis: Snapshots Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 46% 273 952 6,813 249 14 14 0
reForis: Storage Plugin GPL-3.0-or-later 36% 546 7,893 45,245 534 38 39 0
user-notify GPL-3.0-or-later 61% 89 1,450 8,216 85 0 15 0
WebApps GPL-3.0-or-later 71% 79 335 2,414 79 22 0 0
Glossary Turris GPL-3.0-or-later 93% 51 51 352 51 0 0 0
6 hours ago

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 29,978 232,143 1,431,522
Source 1,474 11,423 70,227
Translated 45% 13,684 41% 96,680 41% 594,393
Needs editing 3% 1,064 4% 9,895 4% 62,370
Read-only 6% 1,958 5% 11,901 5% 73,301
Failing checks 2% 725 2% 6,372 2% 40,376
Strings with suggestions 2% 859 2% 5,936 2% 36,695
Untranslated strings 50% 15,230 54% 125,568 54% 774,759

Quick numbers

Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
User avatar aleksan4eg

Component unlocked

Component unlocked 2 days ago
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Resource updated

File “reforis_sentinel/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po” was added. 2 days ago
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String added in the repository

2 days ago
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String added in the repository

2 days ago
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String added in the repository

2 days ago
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String added in the repository

2 days ago
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String added in the repository

2 days ago
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String added in the repository

2 days ago
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String added in the repository

2 days ago
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String added in the repository

2 days ago
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User avatar Pepes

Announcement posted

Dear translators,

We decided to remove all Foris components because it is with us for some time. Priority for us is now reForis, where we are focusing our development.

It means that translations will stay as they are for Turris OS 3.x release and Turris OS 5.x release for Foris, and they cannot be updated.

reForis can be only found in Turris OS since the 4.x release. You can check your Turris OS version in the About tab in Foris or reForis. If you would like to help with that and checking, feel free to reach me or our technical support department - You might be still running Turris OS 3.x and in our documentation, you can find experimental opt-in migration or you can configure your router from scratch by using a medkit.

For now, there are two UIs (three if I count LuCI, too) side by side and we know that it might be confusing, so in the upcoming release, Turris OS 5.2.0 will have an HaaS plugin, Storage plugin. So what remains for us are Nextcloud and Pakon and then we can remove Foris.

We are happy to have you, and we appreciate your work, what you are doing.

Looking forward to hearing from you, @Pepes

4 years ago
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