This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
CUPS 34% 84,352 209,321 2,813,390 83,921 3,003 19 5
F-Droid 46% 264,405 4,299,050 32,476,328 252,913 11,404 1,590 589
Flirtual 40% 12,510 90,368 585,936 0 3,764 5 0
Git Manpages 30% 209,320 4,720,228 30,102,558 197,687 9,557 166 59
Godot Engine 19% 2,769,837 50,806,396 343,563,002 2,403,388 109,690 1,442 475
Gramps 55% 246,758 1,329,612 8,388,579 207,881 20,910 96 190
ITSM-ng 68% 86,314 390,477 2,407,414 79,790 8,227 14 0
Matomo 43% 238,508 2,544,908 15,334,547 232,538 3,019 238 46
Nelson 83% 2,389 11 133 2,389 23 0 0
NS8 61% 17,786 110,068 714,295 2,654 14,765 18,646 17
openATV 52% 175,176 897,644 5,392,976 158,979 6,742 49 126
OpenWrt 56% 176,430 999,526 6,426,639 175,761 3,063 1,452 181
OrganicMaps 49% 158,030 414,789 2,740,920 100,765 32,833 2 0
OsmAnd 55% 571,244 2,525,843 15,716,975 559,218 25,038 1,489 1,075
phpMyAdmin 46% 767,503 6,214,034 40,087,391 597,907 67,543 1,519 96
pl-fe 50% 53,867 212,252 1,279,933 51,237 15,986 0 0
Prism Launcher 53% 85,958 468,968 2,910,214 76,782 1,337 458 77
pypa 23% 189,072 2,949,261 20,816,806 175,092 10,316 1,225 96
Tor Project 35% 517,914 7,717,513 50,868,825 504,873 12,492 3,031 66
Weblate 31% 1,277,584 12,052,116 86,497,686 1,121,681 70,192 573 621

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